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COVID-19 New Strain : All you need to know .

COVID-19's latest strain as on December: Story we need to know. 

The brother of COVID 19  has just taken birth , named B117 . Don't know where it came from , how he came and WHY? But for now we know that he's from The United Kingdom or U.K. 

We humans are already clueless about the origin of  the BIG BROTHER , and now ? This potentially dangerous brother had come . All of us have the same question 'WHY?'.

Anyways, let us find the answers for some important question that might have popped out in your mind.

How different is this mutant brother?

Change in protein spike's structure. 

How can this make the new variant dangerous ?

Scientists say that the change in spike protein's structure can make its entry easier . ENTRY ? What entry ? Entry in to hosts cells ( We Humans ).The new variant's spike attaches with ease now . This change makes the small bro more TRANSMISSIBLE . About 70% more transmissible than his elder brother .

Transmissible ? What does that mean ? 

The ability to pass on from one person to another. 

OKAY I understand , 

what are the other changes ?

The reproduction rate has increased to 1.5 from 1.1 .  Now you might think "My lord why does he use such complex words " chill buddy I'll explain , REPRODUCTION RATE is the ability of an infected person to spread the virus . That means now an infected person ( by the new strain) can spread this disease to more people than before . 

Does this increase the severity ?

Probably ' YES' or may be 'NO'. Scientists say " IF PRECAUTIONS AREN'T TAKEN AS EARLIER AS POSSIBLE , THEN THIS COULD BE POTENTIALLY RISKIER THAN BEFORE ".So its better to avoid risk my dear buddies .

What should we do now?  

Do what you did to prevent the elder brother getting inside you . THE SAME THINGS.

Frequent hand washing , Use of sanitizers and soaps , wearing mask , avoid going out for unnecessary reasons , avoid going out if you are sick etc. 


As of now , researchers say this won't affect vaccine trails and making . SO CHILL. 'Phewww'.

One last question , Can we see another brother taking birth in near future ?

Of course YES! (do not panic)

C'mon buddy its VIRUS and they keep mutating and its a natural stuff . So don't panic and stay safe .

Share this post if you find informative and useful , See you soon with another post , till then STAY SAFE and STAY HEALTHY .

Thank you for reading. 

1 comment

Unknown said...

This is really a good piece of gk! Thank you bro.