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Indomethacin could replace paracetamol in COVID 19 Care

What is Indomethacin? 

Is Indomethacin effective than Paracetamol? 

 Indomethacin a drug conventionally used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is said to replace paracetamol in COVID 19 first line treatment if found non allergic for its use . Symptomatic patients could get faster relief and also prevents them from progressing to pneumonia like conditions .

Click here to know the structure and other facts about Indomethacin.

It proved to be a good alternative in a pilot study conducted at Narayana Medical College , Nellore , AP and Datta Meghe Institute Medical Sciences ,Wardha ,Maharashtra . "Only  Laboratory trails would confirm the efficiency " Sources said.

News Source : The Hindu

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